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How about this weather?

The smoke got down to the DC area too. It was hazy and you could smell the smoke.

Yeah it has sometimes reminded me of getting into a car that's owned by a cigarette smoker. Only this car you can't roll down the windows!

The NOAA weather forecasters keep extending the forecast duration of air quality alert, too. I guess because the rate of fire suppression is not as hoped for, or the wind has picked up and is shoving more and more of the Canadian wild fires' smoke southward. Anyway yesterday around here they said the alert would end this afternoon, but this morning that had moved to midnight or later, and now they're saying noon on Thursday.

Hope everyone reliant on an inhaler during high pollen season etc, (or in regular need of other breathing assistance) has adequate backup supplies.
Yeah it has sometimes reminded me of getting into a car that's owned by a cigarette smoker. Only this car you can't roll down the windows!

The NOAA weather forecasters keep extending the forecast duration of air quality alert, too. I guess because the rate of fire suppression is not as hoped for, or the wind has picked up and is shoving more and more of the Canadian wild fires' smoke southward. Anyway yesterday around here they said the alert would end this afternoon, but this morning that had moved to midnight or later, and now they're saying noon on Thursday.

Hope everyone reliant on an inhaler during high pollen season etc, (or in regular need of other breathing assistance) has adequate backup supplies.
When listening to the radio, I heard warnings to stay inside if possible.
Everyone around here is pretty much hunkered down, I guess. I don't even see much traffic on the county road, and this is high season for carpenters working on framing out new houses or fixing up old ones, plus roofers and road crews etc etc. The AQI here in the little valleys of the Catskills is around 215 or 220, nearly 300 up by Ithaca... and the haze is something one can't dismiss as just from some local grassfire. "Darkness at noon" was close to accurate here today. The weather turned abnormally cold for June, so people aren't out kayaking or swimming, and a good thing too, the air is so bad.
The AQI here today is about 150...not as bad as yours, but not good. Every once in a while you get a whiff of wood burning and you realize it's not nearby, it's drifting down from Canada.
We've entered a weird pattern of diurnal rainshowers, and so far locally have evaded flood warnings but remain on watch. The weather itself reminds me of what it was like in Mexico City when I lived there in 1960... you could set your watch by the daily rainstorm around 3pm...
Air quality today is terrible all over the Midwest and parts of the east. 😟

Here too. It's like spending all day in one of the old smoking cars of a passenger rail car. Yuck. And the AQI isn't even that bad here since it's been raining on and off, with the wind shifting back and forth from the north to more westerly. But it's noticeably smokier here today compared to the past few days.
High 90s for the last week, rain all day today and high 80, I’ll take it! 🙂 We had a high parked over us for more than a week. No rain, makes 100F feel oppressive.
Looks like we may have dodged a really serious rain bullet up here in the Catskills. In the lower Hudson Valley of New York State today, some places including the military academy at West Point got up to EIGHT INCHES of rain. The rains continue this evening with various townships or counties declaring states of emergency. Unbelievable. Some roads are closed due to washouts, some Amtrak rail sections also washed out... water falling off cliffs the way a jungle river would do. Man. Even in our mini-monsoon season (September or so), getting as much as 4" of rain in a single day is headline news.

But hey, it's not climate change, just rainy weather, eh? Let's just keep building more oil and gas pipelines. /S
More on the washouts and flash floods in NY's Hudson Valley area

We were just up near there visiting DIA Beacon and were worried about the rain. Have to check with a friend that was returning further north yesterday. And just read that Stream Valley has severe flooding. Gotta check in with my twin to make sure he and my SIL are fine.
Since June we (East Texas) have been running mid 90s to low 100sF (32-40C) with with hear indexes about 110F, lows of 85F (29C) at night. A high pressure dome of heat parked over the Central US bringing no rain (at least to Texas) for several weeks and high temps. Comparing F to C. I prefer the spread of F over C, but consider I grew up with F. A recent trip to Corpus Christi we saw large large fields of immature brown corn.
An alarming report is that the Oceans are turning green (more plant matter growing) due to the rise of temps, sharks are reported as dying. Another report said that El Niño usually causes a reduction of Atlantic hurricane activity, but with oceans heating up, that may change. I never thought I would be living in such a transitional period for the Earth. We have been warned for 40 years, yet as a species, we just blunder along until we are smacked upside the head.
Since June we (East Texas) have been running mid 90s to low 100sF (32-40C) with with hear indexes about 110F, lows of 85F (29C) at night. A high pressure dome of heat parked over the Central US bringing no rain (at least to Texas) for several weeks and high temps. Comparing F to C. I prefer the spread of F over C, but consider I grew up with F. A recent trip to Corpus Christi we saw large large fields of immature brown corn.
An alarming report is that the Oceans are turning green (more plant matter growing) due to the rise of temps, sharks are reported as dying. Another report said that El Niño usually causes a reduction of Atlantic hurricane activity, but with oceans heating up, that may change. I never thought I would be living in such a transitional period for the Earth. We have been warned for 40 years, yet as a species, we just blunder along until we are smacked upside the head.
When aliens discover our planet in 1000 years, the cause of death for the human race will be suicide.

Just to hammer home the point a bit more, I saw a piece on TV yesterday about wind turbines. People all over are trying to block them from being built. Many of those interviewed claimed to support renewable energy… just not in THEIR backyard. Most cited the fact that it ruined the view. Yep, wanna get a good view of the planet burning to a crisp.
When aliens discover our planet in 1000 years, the cause of death for the human race will be suicide.

Just to hammer home the point a bit more, I saw a piece on TV yesterday about wind turbines. People all over are trying to block them from being built. Many of those interviewed claimed to support renewable energy… just not in THEIR backyard. Most cited the fact that it ruined the view. Yep, wanna get a good view of the planet burning to a crisp.
I’ve never understood hostility against windmills. Possibly drunk on orange Koolaid. 🤔
Yeah, it’s weird when that happens.

Also when I’m talking to my daughter on the phone—she’s a mere two miles away—and I tell her it’s pouring outside and she says what are you talking about? It’s sunny and clear.
We're having tornado watches again in central upstate New York counties today, until after nightfall. Ugh! So far no procession to the warning stage. When those come around I don't ignore them, just grab my phone and a crank radio and go dpwn and sit on the cellar steps for a schmooze with the Daddy Long Legs or whatever other spiders hang out down there,.. 😵 So far looks like a perfectly fine afternoon here but I notice no one's out mowing their lawn in this brief respite between rainshowers and threats of worse.
Totally AMAZING light show at 2:30 am today, you could have read a newspaper for half an hour out there if you were stupid enough to be outside. Flash after flash after flash and all without any sound at all for amost 20 minutes, then finally torrential rain for 10 minutes and the mechanics of a regular boomerstorm with bolts crashing somewhere up on the ridge and shaking the house.

Meanwhile the forecast had been for "drizzle". OK then. We got half an hour of impressive pyrotechnics and .65 inches of water instead.