"For those of us in middle age or older, there wasn’t anything revelatory about the election; we’ve lived that betrayal for years. But to understand [as a young person, voting] for the first time that America would rather elect a rapist than a woman is soul-crushing."
I now find myself surprisingly living/working in an Environment of Therapy, and daily Soul-Enrichment.
My new Role is a High School Teacher.
We support each-other, and continue to conduct our (daily) check-in's in a Space of appreciation, honesty and respect.
A large part of my new Work is to become-as a surrogate Father/Mentor/Mother/Model to the best of the Little People who are now within my guidance.
I don't know just how much longer such a Space will exist; but, I will continue to Model the best in all of Us.
As a Man, I can't fully/sincerely guide these young Women into further Spaces of appreciation (and honesty (and respect)) without the knowledge that I acknowledge your existence, also.
My Soul hurts, so very much, right now.
It's taken me a full week to begin to process my own Fury.
It has taken me a week to start the beginning of the healing of my own, broken Soul.
It will take a lot longer (if such an existence may actually ever come to be) to acknowledge the fact that I live-daily with a large group of people who not only do not appreciate the values that I so hold dear, but who actually laugh in the face of such a fact.
I have become The Fury.

I now find myself surprisingly living/working in an Environment of Therapy, and daily Soul-Enrichment.
My new Role is a High School Teacher.
We support each-other, and continue to conduct our (daily) check-in's in a Space of appreciation, honesty and respect.
A large part of my new Work is to become-as a surrogate Father/Mentor/Mother/Model to the best of the Little People who are now within my guidance.
I don't know just how much longer such a Space will exist; but, I will continue to Model the best in all of Us.
As a Man, I can't fully/sincerely guide these young Women into further Spaces of appreciation (and honesty (and respect)) without the knowledge that I acknowledge your existence, also.
My Soul hurts, so very much, right now.
It's taken me a full week to begin to process my own Fury.
It has taken me a week to start the beginning of the healing of my own, broken Soul.
It will take a lot longer (if such an existence may actually ever come to be) to acknowledge the fact that I live-daily with a large group of people who not only do not appreciate the values that I so hold dear, but who actually laugh in the face of such a fact.
I have become The Fury.