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The Wordle thread

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Got a little lucky today with the third go, but had to think about the end for a few minutes.
A sudden flash of inspiration…

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For once I managed to get it in three but the third was a coin flip. Hope that's not the end of today's good luck!

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Good morning everyone!

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You are a magician… To have guessed that word, of all the words that start with **... 👍


Me on the other hand… I am scraping the bottom of the barrel today.

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You are a magician… To have guessed that word, of all the words that start with **... 👍
I sure am. 😎

To be fair, the single green and yellow restricted things. Combined with the eliminated letters, it was hard to come up with any matching word. 😂

In fact, tried it in a Wordle solver now to check, fed it my first two guesses and then it said “solved” and came up with the correct word.

Me on the other hand… I am scraping the bottom of the barrel today.

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Consider attending the bottom of the barrel community service. Thank you from all of us and the barrel!

Nice pattern too!
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Seriously slow go for me at the outset today... once I finally got a couple letters then not so bad.
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Well whaddaya know? There's life in the old brain yet.

Or it could be just blind luck. Let me see those lottery numbers again…

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Suffice it to say I nearly ran out of tries. I failed to include all three of my "right letter wrong slot" hits in the first two rows as I went along. So I didn't realize that by the time I picked up two more letters and had four in the right slots, I did also know the still "mssing" letter, and that it was one of the ones I had abandoned by mistake from the first row. Duh!

All this thanks to having left my glasses in the kitchen when I was giving today's Wordle a shot and too lazy to go fetch decent eyesight. Anyway I got to experience the game's "whew" reaction when I filled in the last row. Whew, indeed!
My first solution in two lines!

I am so pleased with myself I am unbearable.

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Suffice it to say I nearly ran out of tries. I failed to include all three of my "right letter wrong slot" hits in the first two rows as I went along. So I didn't realize that by the time I picked up two more letters and had four in the right slots, I did also know the still "mssing" letter, and that it was one of the ones I had abandoned by mistake from the first row. Duh!

All this thanks to having left my glasses in the kitchen when I was giving today's Wordle a shot and too lazy to go fetch decent eyesight. Anyway I got to experience the game's "whew" reaction when I filled in the last row. Whew, indeed!
Oh the relief when those squares all turn green. 🤣
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